We as human beings have been shaped by a billion years of evolution. The road to improved health, no matter what your illness or pain or condition, is best traveled by paying attention to and honoring how Mother Nature designed us to live. The frequency that resonates from and through Gaia is a mere 7.83 Hz.* That’s a whole lot slower and lower than just about anything in the built environment of modern life. We have evolved to be who we are by living in harmony with the rhythms and cycles that are as old as life on the planet. Although modern life often expects of us to live almost entirely out of touch with how we are naturally designed to live (especially in an urban setting), there are still a wide variety of adaptations we can make to move our lifestyle more in line with Nature. The ideas, advice, products and resources on this web site are presented in order to help you do just that!
The journey for you may require a willingness to re-examine some of your pre-conceived notions of what is "normal." That’s OK. I have found, in my own journey towards vibrant health, that few of us find truth for ourselves without some effort and sacrifice.
My focus and passion is on light and energy therapies and promoting the benefits of an organic, plant-based**, whole foods lifestyle. I will endeavor to provide the most cutting-edge scientific research and heart-centered ideas on this web site. I hope to keep my enthusiasm high enough to inspire you to delve into the great mysteries that surround us. I hope to inspire you to dive deep and explore what works best for your body/mind and lifestyle. The principles of democracy, enlightenment and service to humanity continue to drive my desire to engage with you. We are alive in a remarkable time of transformation, or, more accurately, a time of the magnificent potential for transformation.
NOW AVAILABLE FOR SALE as a Kindle download!
Fabrics For Better Living: Natural Threads To Support People and Planet, a Cascade Digital Works project written and designed by John Jordan-Cascade, and edited by Emily Matlock
"Fabrics For Better Living: Natural Threads To Support People and Planet" delves into the fascinating world of natural fibers to uncover their myriad benefits, extending far beyond mere fashion statements. The book explores the environmental impact of five natural fibers: hemp, linen, bamboo, organic cotton, and wool. It will also showcase how their biodegradable nature and sustainable production processes are crucial in our search for better health and the fight against environmental degradation.
Download the Kindle app to start reading from your PC or Mac
or download the book and start reading on your smart phone, tablet or Kindle e-reader (latest model, $99).
You Can Beat Depression!
Read about the many ways you can do battle with depression using natural dietary and lifestyle changes, all supported by substantial scientific evidence!
These are the principles I seek to explore and promote:
Personal, community and planetary health are intertwined.
Healthy relationships require hefty doses of cooperation, communication and a willingness to be influenced.
You are what you eat (yes!), but also what you drink, breathe, think and feel, read and who you spend time with and lastly (and, in fact, changable) genetics.
If everything in nature is connected, so too, it is how the body works.
The default decision-making for individuals and society should consider how nature works, but in emergencies, consider what technology can do.
If you think in advance and live according how nature works, you can usually avoid emergencies.
If, in fact, we are masters of our fate, it is because we have the capacity to control our thoughts. Discovery of this power is what can bring us freedom.
Love yourself so that you may better love others--and just because you deserve it!
Love is the miracle you seek and the foundation upon which to build a peaceful, worthwhile life. Love is an infinitely renewable resource; the more you express it, the more it renews.

A few words about my approach to health->>

Ready to Chill Out? Look No Further Than Nature’s Fractals.
Studies suggest that as we turn our backs on shapes in nature,
we’re losing our sense of place and home
By Lance Frazer
(see the brief video below for more)
* The Schumann Resonance refers to the resonant frequency of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, generated between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who predicted its existence in 1952, this resonant frequency vibrates at an average of 7.83 Hz, corresponding to the Earth’s circumference. The Schumann Resonance is also known as the heartbeat of mother earth and it surrounds earth and all of it’s living beings. This is also called the harmonic ‘OHM’ vibration – the sound of cosmic energy and incarnation of pure sound – as believed by the ancient Indian Rishis. Although the base frequency is 7.83hz, there are other Schumann Resonances it can fluctuate to; from 7.83hz to 14hz, 20hz, 26hz, 33hz, 39hz and 40hz. These Schumann frequencies actually overlap with human brainwave frequencies, meaning the earth resonates and vibrates along with our brains.
We Are Nature
image courtesy of Mid-Journey AI imaging
** Being vegan or plant-based or following a vegetarian diet is not necessarily for everyone. I highly recommend consulting with an experienced health care provider to determine what is right for you. The determination of what is best for you can be based on many factors, including your metabolic type, blood type, cultural and ethical beliefs, family/home life, genetics and so much more.
With a little creativity and community support, budget should not be a determining factor in choosing a healthier diet and lifestyle. If it becomes a limiting factor for you, please consider reaching out to your elected representatives in government, at all levels, and demanding better! Please also consider reaching out to your friends and neighbors and growing your own food and pooling resources to make it possible.

A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession. ~ Hippocrates
Northwest Light Therapy is an educational project of Cascade Digital Works, LLC © 2024
Northwest Light Therapy website is offered as a source of health and wellness information only. The content provided by Cascade Digital Works, LLC, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. As such, the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users are encouraged to consult a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.
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