Health and Wellness Resources
Your Health is in Your Hands: The Three Reasons You're Not Well and What To Do About It Paperback by James D. Jordan CNC
Your Health is in Your Hands: The Three Reasons You’re not Well and What To Do About It! Are you sick and tired of not feeling well? Are you frustrated by going from one doctor to the next without getting the results you are seeking? Are you confused and overwhelmed by the endless array of treatment options? If “YES” is the answer to any of these questions, this book will give you the solution framework and practical steps to resolve all of your health concerns.
Whoa: This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Enough Water
Start sipping. | Kristin Limoges, Domino
James D. Jordan, CNC, Nutritional Consultant
Create Vibrant Health
Phone: 541-482-2202
Dr. Henry Ealy
Energetic Health Institute
Phone: 503-908-2768
Dr. Joel Fuhrman is an American celebrity doctor who advocates a plant-based diet termed the "nutritarian" diet which emphasizes nutrient-dense foods.
Podcast: Eat to Live (once/month) - Available on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
PerfectAmino from BodyHealth is the only protein supplement that provides the exact ratio of essential amino acids needed by the human body to synthesize new protein and collagen without excess amino acids. PerfectAmino is formulated to be 99% utilized to build lean muscle and not fat. This product is 100% vegan and highly recommended by my nutrition guru, James Jordan, CNC. | Find out more
Super Gut by Dr. William Davis, Infinite Health
With cutting-edge research, Dr. Davis has connected the dots between gut health and modern ailments and complaints. There are entire species of microbes that have disappeared, creating health issues that were uncommon one hundred, or even fifty, years ago. A major consequence is SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), a silent and profound epidemic, which affects one out of three people and is responsible for an astounding range of human health conditions.
Find out more on our special page about The Gut Microbiome->>
Want to make your own yogurt according to the instructions in the Super Gut book?
BUY an Ultimate Probiotic Yogurt Maker
William Davis, M.D. | Super Gut | Talks at Google
Whole foods, plant-based nutrition
See our page on Food and Nutrition->>
Sign up for a FREE copy of: A Guide to Going Plant-Based
from the 2024 Food Revolution Network
Website: - Dr. Michael Gregor
What is the healthiest diet? Find out what the latest science is saying about your favorite foods to help you make the healthiest choices for you and your family. Watch their free videos on more than 2,000 health and nutrition topics with new videos and articles uploaded every day
The 15 Best Plant-Based Protein Sources For Vegans
It’s a myth that vegans can’t get enough protein on an animal-free diet. Here are 15 of the best plant-based protein sources - BY LOUISA RICHARDS, 8TH MARCH 2023
The Vegan Athlete: A Complete Guide to a Healthy, Plant-Based, Active Lifestyle (Paperback) by Karina Inkster (Author), Robert Cheeke (Foreword) | February 2, 2021
The Impactful Vegan: How You Can Save More Lives and Make the Biggest Difference for Animals and the Planet (Hardcover) by Robert Cheeke (Author) - June 25, 2024 | From New York Times bestselling author Robert Cheeke comes a new way of thinking about helping animals and the environment—and making the biggest impact possible with the resources already available to you.
Documentaries/TV shows:
LIVE to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones (2023, Netflix)
See our NEW page on Herbs!
The healing power of herbs
Ancient Remedies Revived Facebook page
Explore the healing power of herbs with Shanon Greef.
The Lost Remedies with Nicole Apelian
Ashwagandha: Exploring the Health Benefits & Side Effects of this Adaptogenic Herb
Ocean Robbins · Published March 6, 2024
See our NEW page on Mushrooms!
YOU MUST SEE this FANTASTIC documentary!
Fantastic Fungi
Paul Stamets (
Host Defense product line (AMAZING!)
Light Therapies
See our Products page->>
Sauna Space (use our promo code: NLT5 for a 5% discount, courtesy of Northwest Light Therapy)
Light Therapeutics (Paperback) by John Harvey Kellogg M.D.
A practical manual of phototherapy for the student and the practitioner. One of the first extended treatises on the therapeutics of light and possibly the first dealing with the use of the incandescent light bath and the correlation between using the light bath with other forms of physiotherapy. The writer has more than 50 years experience in light therapy. Many pictures and illustrations throughout.
Read more about the healing potential of Cold Healing Laser Therapy->>
Energy Therapies
The Energy Enhancement System combines body, mind, spirit, and science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization.
Find a center nearest you (by membership only)
In Oregon:
The Oregon Energy Healing Center (Southern Oregon)
223 Wintersage Circle, Talent, OR 97540 | (541) 897-0496
See HEAL, a remarkable documentary about the power of the mind and spirit to heal disease and illness
Where to buy or rent the documentary, HEAL
ALSO: listen to the HEAL podcast
NES Health - Get to the root of health concerns with bioenergetics, assessing and correcting the body's control system. Medicine and nutrition are largely based on the body's chemistry. But chemistry itself is based in physics -- the flow of energy and information of the body. This is what bioenergetics addresses, which is how it gets to the root of health concerns. | Find a NES practitioner near you (can also be accomplished via remote!)
Sound Therapies
From singer-songwriter and voice coach, Heather Hutton:
Unified Voice-Works | Reclaim your Voice. Transform your Life.
See our collection of resources and books on exercise/bodywork on our website->>
Books about Qigong
"Qigong is for everybody!" by John Jordan-Cascade
(NOW AVAILABLE via buy the Kindle e-book)
Qigong For Vitality with Jeffrey Chand:, featuring well over 170 FREE videos created in the past 5 years!
Pangu Shengong:
Contact: Olivia Ou | (415)928-1389 |
The Qigong Bible by Katherine Allen (Paperback $19.99)
The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing by Kenneth S. Cohen (Paperback $17.95)
Other related healing modalities and bodywork
Reiki 101: Everything You Need to Know About This Energy Healing Practice (Sep 2, 2021) by Lara Rosenbaum
The Indian Breath: 8 Types Of Pranayama Breathing Techniques And Their Benefits
The 'Indian Breath' that is as important to Yoga as poses are. Pranayama breathing techniques are described here along with their range of benefits for your health.
Kentro Body Balance: The Secret Pleasures of Posture
by Angelika Thusius, Author
The Kentro Body Balance method reveals a radical, delightful secret: nature designed us to be supple and strong into our old age. This new and innovative approach to the body shines a soulful light on posture and movement. By practicing the remarkably simple Kentro centering movements while you sit at the computer, drive a car, or plant your garden, the activity itself stretches, relaxes, exercises, and tones your muscles.
See our collection of quotes and books on love and relationships on our website->>
Byron Katie - The Work
Meet Your Internal Wisdom
The Work is meditation. It is a method of inquiry born directly out of Byron Katie’s experience. This practice allows you to access the wisdom that always exists within you.
The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief - Kindle Edition
by Francis Weller (Author), Michael Lerner (Foreword)
Wisdom of the Ages
J. Krishnamurti
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle and New World Library (audio book)
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle (paperback)
Pema Chödrön (Buddhism)
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times Audible Audiobook – Unabridged - Pema Chödrön (Author), Joanna Rotte (Narrator), Random House Audio (Publisher): We always have a choice, Pema Chödrön teaches...We can let the circumstances of our lives harden us and make us increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and make us kinder.
BOOK: The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times (Paperback) by Pema Chödrön (Author)
The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness
How We Live Is How We Die
How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind
Stoicism: Conquer fear, crush stress, find inner peace and be successful
by Marcus Aurelius, Olha Melnyk (Editor), Lucius Annaeus Seneca
How to Be A Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy To Live A Modern Life by Massimo Pigliucci
First Light: The Making of a Healer: Reclaim Your Life, Your Power, Your Destiny
by Isa Lara Marié (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Witness the resilience of the human spirit in "First Light," an intimate memoir chronicling Isa's journey from surviving severe abuse to becoming a beacon of healing and empowerment. From enduring ritual sexual cult abuse in her church to reclaiming her true essence as a healer, Isa's story is a testament to the power of transformation.
Unstoppable: The Rise of Female Global Leaders (Kindle Edition)
by Adriana Monique Alvarez (Author), Dr. Alexandra McDermott (Author), Dr. Desiree Del-Zio (Author), Isa Lara Marié (Author) and many others...
Connecting to and Healing the Earth
What Is Earthing?
Earthing creates a harmonious relationship of the body to the natural rhythms of the earth. When you touch the ground with your bare feet or body, electrons from the earth flow into you. This is called being “grounded.” Earthing represents a tangible "back to nature's wisdom" revolution! | FREE! Watch the FULL movie on YouTube: "The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding"
In today's society, it's hard to find the time to walk barefoot on the ground for several hours each day. Not being in contact with the Earth leads to all kinds of different health issues, most of which even modern medicine can't solve.
If you happen to find yourself in such a situation, then don't worry - Grounding™ Official came up with a solution. Thousands of people worldwide are enjoying the healing benefits of earthing while they sleep, using their Original Earthing Bed Sheet. It's simple, lay the company's bed sheet on your bed, plug the earthing cord into your regular wall socket, and go to sleep. That's it!
Fabrics For Better Living: Natural Threads To Support People and Planet
A new project produced by Cascade Digital Works, an online marketing and media production company
Written and designed by John Jordan-Cascade, edited by Emily Matlock
"The Fabric of Our Lives: Natural Threads To Support People and Planet" delves into the fascinating world of natural fibers to uncover their myriad benefits, extending far beyond mere fashion statements. The book explores the environmental impact of five natural fibers: hemp, linen, bamboo, organic cotton, and wool. It will also showcase how their biodegradable nature and sustainable production processes are crucial in our search for better health and the fight against environmental degradation.
Read more about the book, use my social media toolkit to promote it and find out about the environmental impact of the textile/clothing industry->>
"Killer Clothes" by Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Anna Maria Clement – This book discusses how certain clothing can be hazardous to health, highlighting the benefits of natural fibers and organic clothing.
"Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion" by Elizabeth L. Cline
This book explores the fast fashion industry's impact on the environment, the economy, and society. It delves into how cheap manufacturing and lower quality fabrics contribute to a cycle of environmental degradation.
"Eco-Friendly Textile Dyeing and Finishing" edited by Melih Günay – Focusing on the eco-friendly aspects of textile processing, this book discusses the health and environmental impacts of textile dyeing and finishing processes.
"Sustainable Fibres for Fashion Industry" - Vol. 1 - edited by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu and Miguel Angel Gardetti – This book offers insights into sustainable fibers in the fashion industry, discussing their environmental and health impacts.
"Hemp: American History Revisited" by Robert Deitch – This book delves into the historical significance of hemp and its impact on American culture and industry.
"Linen: From Flax Seed to Woven Cloth" by Linda Heinrich – A comprehensive guide on linen, detailing everything from its history, cultivation of flax, to the art of weaving linen.
"Bamboo: The Plant and its Uses" edited by Walter Liese and Michael Köhl – This book covers various aspects of bamboo, including its biology, cultural significance, and uses in different industries.
"Organic Cotton: From Field to Final Product" edited by Dorothy Myers and Sue Stolton – A detailed book that covers the entire supply chain of organic cotton, highlighting its environmental and social benefits.
"The Fleece & Fiber Sourcebook" by Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius - This comprehensive book offers an in-depth look at more than 200 different animal fibers, including wool. It provides valuable insights into the different types of wool, their characteristics, and why they are beneficial for clothing.
Regenerative Agriculture/Food
Kiss The Ground - the movie and educational organization
Kiss the Ground is an audience-supported nonprofit promoting regeneration and healthy soil as a viable solution for our wellness, water, and climate crisis. Since 2013 they’ve inspired millions to participate in the Regenerative Movement through storytelling, education, and partnerships.
Regenerative Resources
Open-source guides, toolkits, videos, and more so you can learn and grow in the Regenerative Movement!
What is Regenerative Agriculture?
Kiss the Ground’s Guide to Regenerative Agriculture highlights the issues with our current agricultural model, covers the core principles and practices of regenerative agriculture, addresses common myths and concerns, and provides resources to get involved.
Vandana Shiva
Director of the Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology - Board Member International Forum on Globalization. Besides being a physicist, ecologist, activist, editor, and author of numerous books, Vandana Shiva is a tireless defender of the environment. She is the founder of Navdanya, a movement for biodiversity conservation and farmers’ rights. She is also the founder and director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy. Shiva fights for changes in the practice and paradigms of agriculture and food. Books available for sale on Barnes and Noble
8 Must-Watch New Sustainable Agriculture Documentaries
written by Lily Zaballos
See another important documentary about regenerative agriculture: The Need to Grow
See our NEW page on Regenerative Agriculture!
Food Revolution Network: Join the Food Revolution: Science-Based Nutrition for Life
Dark Emu: Aboriginal Australia and the Birth of Agriculture
by Bruce Pascoe
See also: Season 2, Episode 2 of Down To Earth with Zac Efron (Netflix)
Our connection with nature
Ready to Chill Out? Look No Further Than Nature’s Fractals - By Lance Frazer
Studies suggest that as we turn our backs on shapes in nature, we’re losing our sense of place and home
Brave Blue World: Racing to Solve Our Water Crisis (Netflix series)
From reuse to energy generation, new innovations across five continents are explored in this documentary about building a future for sustainable water. | Starring: Liam Neeson, Matt Damon, Jaden Smith
Dangers of human-made radiation in our environment
The latest breaking news from the FCC is that they are investigating Apple and Samsung for violating Radio Frequency (RF) radiation limits emitted by their cell phones. This is in response to an internal study by the Chicago Tribune that showed RF emissions as much as 5 times the limits set by the US government -- limits that have already been criticized for being outdated (established in the 90s) and overly lenient. A related lawsuit has also been filed against Apple and Samsung.
Self-Suficiency Lifestyle/Info
Live Free Academy - John Bush
The Lost Skills Academy Facebook page
The Lost Skills Academy is the only place where you can still learn the lost knowledge of our grandparents.
Self-Sufficient Backyard - by Ron and Johanna - Facebook page
Off Grid Living & Eco Homesteading - Facebook Group
Eco/Healthy Living & Natural Building with Earthship and Cob Houses - Facebook Group
Eco-Village and Intentional Community Discussion Group - Facebook Group
Reduce Toxic Exposure - Green Home Cleaning and Consumer Products Alternatives
Recommended products from Environmental Working Group (EWG)
EWG is here to support everyone, everywhere in living a healthier life in a healthier environment. With our science-backed standards, we provide recommendations you can trust for personal care, baby, and household cleaning products that are better for you, your family, and the environment.
Beyond Toxics Green Home Cleaning Campaign resource pages
Mindful Momma - Simple Solutions for Natural Living
Easy Home Detox: A Beginner's Guide To Detoxing Your Home & Products
Here's what toxic chemicals could be doing to your health (Mindful Momma)
TOP photo credit:
Sun through tall trees
Photo by John Jordan-Cascade
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You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~ Buddha
Northwest Light Therapy is an educational project of Cascade Digital Works © 2024
The Northwest Light Therapy website is offered as a source of health and wellness information only. The content provided by Cascade Digital Works, LLC, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. As such, the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users are encouraged to consult a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.
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