What are Cold Lasers?
Cold lasers are a class of low level lasers which are often referred to as soft lasers, therapeutic lasers, healing lasers or low level laser therapy. They are low powered lasers which do not cut or burn the tissue, rather they work to gently donate energy or waves of photons to rejuvenate the cell.
How do soft lasers work?
Low level lasers are very popular because they donate energy to cells which stimulates the mitochondria or the part of the cell which makes energy which is called ATP. ATP or Adenosinetriphosphate is the energy molecule which governs 80 – 90% of the cells’ activities.
Cold lasers or healing lasers work in much the same way that sunlight on a garden works. The sunlight donates energy in the form of photons which in turn stimulates plants and vegetables to grow faster and more efficiently. Low level lasers work in the same way of donating photons or energy which in turn regenerates tissue and cells.
Where can low level lasers be used?
Soft healing lasers are being used in all facets of health care from doctors and physicians to alternative health providers such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, osteopaths, massage therapists and healers.
For years, healing lasers were primarily used by health practitioners, such as chiropractors and veterinarians because of the high cost of laser technology. Now with less expensive laser technology, many lay people are also taking advantage of the amazing healing properties of laser therapy and are purchasing their own soft lasers. ScalarWave Lasers have been designed for both the lay person and health care provider.
What are scalar waves?
Scalar waves are revolutionary neutral waves of energy. They do not have polarity and therefore do not travel in a linear fashion from past to present. They are a form of unified field energy which is profoundly effective for neutralizing chronic pain, stress, dis-ease and cell memory of any kind.
All polarity is, in effect, a contraction of the unified field and what makes scalar waves so unique is that they are able to unwind and clear these contractions. This works in much the same way that an old cassette tape works. If you want to clear the information you simply change the polarity which neutralizes the information.
How is the ScalarWave Laser different from other lasers?
The ScalarWave Laser is the first truly quantum laser rejuvenation system. The ScalarWave Laser is revolutionary in its ability to neutralize and clear cell memory. This unique feature is made possible by our patent pending scalar wave technology.
All low level lasers donate energy in order to rejuvenate the cell. What makes their soft lasers truly unique is the ability to clear the cell memory. Cell memory is the stress or tension pattern underneath all injury and dis-ease. Our proprietary technology activates scalar waves which neutralize all polarity and shift the cell memory.
This quantum laser approach can be applied to any injuries, stress, tension, dis-ease, or to activate the key body systems such as the glands, organs, chakras, meridians or any of the cells which make up the body.
Is the laser FDA approved?
The ScalarWave Laser System is FDA registered for temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis and muscle spasm, relieving stiffness, promoting relaxation of muscle tissue, and to temporarily increase local blood circulation.
Find out how you can purchase a personal ScalarWave laser: john@northwestlighttherapy.com
DISCLAIMER: The System is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent disease. If you have a disease or medical condition, consult with your physician or health practitioner before using the ScalarWave Laser. Use only as directed. Uses for medical indications contrary to the FDA registration are unauthorized and render the warranty null and void. To protect the Scalar Wave Laser System FDA registration, unauthorized claims may result in legal action, including civil claims and loss of opportunity to market the Scalar Wave Laser System.

It's the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty around us. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Northwest Light Therapy is an educational project of Cascade Digital Works © 2024
Northwest Light Therapy website is offered as a source of health and wellness information. The content provided by Cascade Digital Works, LLC, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. As such, the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users are encouraged to consult a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.
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