
Tired of struggling through your winter day with stuffy, dripping sinuses? Now you don't have to!

I have used this wonderfully warm, drying sauna lamp for years to help me dry out my nasal passages. I make it a part of my daily routine to sit near this amazing infra-red lamp for just 5 to 10 minutes on most winter mornings. The warmth of infra-red rays works miracles and keeps me a safe distance from colds!

Be sure to use promo code: NLT5 @ check-out for a 5% discount courtesy of Northwest Light Therapy

Q: Do these products from SaunaSpace emit any EMFs?

The company says:
All panels that SaunaSpace® makes are shielded and grounded internally and externally, our customers experience ZERO electric or magnetic stress from our panels. No matter what panel/bundle you purchase! Our ThermaLight™ Infrared Bulbs give a broad spectrum emission (between 550-3000+nm, No UV). Think of it as Light Therapy layered over Heat Therapy, mitochondrial stimulation and soothing detoxifying heat! This emission includes visible light, NIR, MIR and a little FIR.


SaunaSpace Proton: $595

use promo code: NLT5 at checkout for a 5% discount, courtesy of Northwest Light Therapy

Declare your allegiance to the power and enduring beauty of LOVE in all varieties of expression!

Love is a miracle and is truly infinitely renewable. The more you love, the more love you have in your heart to give.

Available in 4 colors and 6 sizes | Prices start at $14.45

BUY this lovely t-shirt TODAY!

One for you and one for your loved one!



Concerned about cell phone radiation?

Rest assured, you're protected with SafeSleeve Anti-radiation case! I highly recommend this product...I've used it for for my Android phone for YEARS! It's great!

LAB TESTED PROTECTION - FCC accredited lab tested shielding technology embedded in front flap blocks up to 99 percent of EMF cell phone radiation; The SafeSleeve EMF protection cell phone case for iPhone 11 wallet case keeps you and your information safe.
MILITARY GRADE SHIELDING - Integrated into the front flap, SafeSleeve's EMF Radiation Protection cell phone case includes the latest cellular radio frequency blocking technology, each iPhone case features robust material as a protective blocker against RFID thieves and EMF Radiation.
BUILT-IN WALLET - Put that EMF protection cell phone case to use with a RFID blocking full wallet; the card holder area carries up to 4 credit or business cards, plus room for cash and additional documentation to keep safe.
BUILT-IN STAND - Use your EMF Protection SafeSleeve's built-in kickstand to quickly prop up your phone for reading, video, and movie watching; if you've got a flat surface nearby, you can use your phone hands-free. Radiation protection for cell phones just got easier!
VEGAN LEATHER - Rare among EMF protection cell phone cases, this vegan leather construction provides a rich, professional look while remaining free of animal products; the perfect iPhone 11 case for men and women.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Learn more about the company and their products

PerfectAmino from BodyHealth is the only protein supplement that provides the exact ratio of essential amino acids needed by the human body to synthesize new protein and collagen without excess amino acids. PerfectAmino is formulated to be 99% utilized to build lean muscle and not fat. This product is 100% vegan and highly recommended by my nutrition guru, James Jordan, CNC. | Find out more


Looking for a POWERFUL way to nourish your immune system?

Mediherb - Andrographis Complex 120 Tabs ($149) - Standard Process
The BEST herb I have EVER encountered for nourishing my immune function!

Please confer with your health care provider for advice and recommendations.


Now there's an easy way to stay grounded.

In today's society, it's hard to find the time to walk barefoot on the ground for several hours each day. Not being in contact with the Earth leads to all kinds of different health issues, most of which even modern medicine can't solve. 

If you happen to find yourself in such a situation, then don't worry - Grounding™ Official came up with a solution. Thousands of people worldwide are enjoying the healing benefits of earthing while they sleep, using their Original Earthing Bed Sheet.

It's simple, lay the company's bed sheet on your bed, plug the earthing cord into your regular wall socket, and go to sleep. That's it!

See our Energy Healing page for more about grounding or earthing. | Read more about the company



Harvest & Mill - milled and sewn entirely in America. Ethical and clean manufacturing.

Beyond Sustainable
Organic, traceable USA supply chains, carbon neutral and vegan

All of their clothing is exclusively made in the USA from seed to stitch. We are rebuilding American supply chains with clean and ethical practices.

Our Supply Chain:


  • USA organic cotton farms

  • American heritage mills

  • Family-owned factories

  • San Francisco sewing community


"Qigong is for everybody!" by John Jordan-Cascade
(NOW AVAILABLE via amazon: buy the Kindle version)

Reflecting on Qigong's journey from ancient China to the modern world, this ancient practice stands as a testament to the human quest for health, balance, and spiritual fulfillment. Its adaptability and relevance in the 21st century highlight its timeless wisdom and enduring appeal.

This brand new offering from Cascade Digital Works is an excellent foundational overview to help you get acquainted with the fascinating world of Qigong, an ancient Chinese practice that combines meditation, breathing and movement in a completely unique way! We explore the visual and cultural elements of Qigong and compare the practice of Qigong to other movement and health practices like Tai Chi and Yoga. From Qigong's historical origins and philosophical foundations, to the variety of practices of Qigong, to the quickly growing popularity across the globe, people are finding Qigong brings a wide range of health benefits. "Qigong is for everybody!" covers it all in this compelling, compact read!



Formula Flawless

Enjoy the world's first 100% fresh skincare made to order to match your skin type and concerns.
See more about Rae Indigo's line of skin care products, Formula Flawless

In "Oranges and the value of investing in the health of your cells" founder and CEO of Formula Flawless, Rae Indigo, shares her wisdom about "Collagen Banking," a well known principle in Ayurveda, and the value of investing in your cellular health before it becomes a problem. 


Rae Indigo,
Founder and CEO of Formula Flawless and
Founder of the World Yoga Institute

NEW! The Coconut Cult yogurt


See their website
Customers are reporting remarkable health results from just one to two tablespoons per day!
I'm not a fan of the name, but my wife points out the "Cult" in the name may be a play on the word and a dual meaning, the other one being shorthand for "culture," as in "yogurt culture."

See the company's FAQ page->>




Host Defense product line
Fungi Perfecti and founder Paul Stamets—mycologist and author of six books on mushroom cultivation and identification, including the definitive text Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms—are proud to offer our customers the finest mushroom supplements available today.

ALSO: See the amazing documentary, Fantastic Fungi!
"Fantastic Fungi" is a 2019 documentary directed by Louie Schwartzberg that explores the magical, mysterious, and medicinal world of fungi and their power to heal, sustain, and contribute to the regeneration of life on Earth that began 3.5 billion years ago. See it on Netflix


TOP photo credit:
Sunburst with trees
Photo 10048938 © Roksana Bashyrova |

Sun in the Mountains
by Sagui Andrea

Photo of Rae Indigo by Victor Broden

Other photos provided by company websites

NOTE: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it's a waste of time looking for Him further. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Northwest Light Therapy is an educational project of Cascade Digital Works © 2024

The Northwest Light Therapy website is offered as a source of health and wellness information only. The content provided by Cascade Digital Works, LLC, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. As such, the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users are encouraged to consult a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.

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