So I was at the supermarket searching for a perfect orange. I was searching for that perfect aroma.
In the aroma of fruit, you can smell whether it is full of life, or not.
Now there was a large variety of different colors and shapes, some big and bumpy, others tiny and dry looking.
But you can't buy oranges using only your eyes.
The aroma tells what it is really made of. 💕
Is it sunshine and rain?
Or was it grown with disdain, pesticides, transported far and picked unripe?
This awareness to the essence is a great guide to all areas of life, from friendships, to the work you do, which street to walk down, of course, ingredients, and where to live.
This particular store was abysmal. So many bright, sharp colors, so little life. The way food is all across America.
Except for the farmers market, or road side stand. There you find nourishment that was grown with care.
Now, when something is cared for and grown in a certain way, it influences your future. The body you have now is made of the food you ate in the past, and other lifestyle choices.
So the newest trend, called "Collagen Banking" is a well known principle in Ayurveda.
The basic idea goes like this: "Invest in your cellular health before it becomes a problem." 😎
Seems so obvious when I say it like that, but how many people want to have great skin but don't take action until there are problems?
Photo by Victor Broden
Aged skin is not set in stone, if we stimulate collagen before gravity drags us down, and keep it up, gravity leaves us alone. This concept is revolutionizing the skincare world, and it is one of the most important things, to put in the extra work to improve your condition in the future.
We just think it is impossible, but yet, we are living the results of our previous choices, so we are either putting collagen in the bank, or making withdrawals. Collagen banking is the process of creating as much new collagen as we can now, rather than waiting until our skin has almost run out of it and playing catch-up. Because when we keep a high supply, our cells keep making more, but when we run very low, it's much more difficult to get our cells to start creating it again.
Now, back to those fresh, aromatic oranges.
I did finally find one that smelled sweet, tart and tasted like sunshine.
When you eat fresh, alive food, your tissues have all that they need to grow resilient, to restore collagen, elastin and other proteins into the structural matrix.
During my whole process around picking the perfect orange, I realized most people have never experienced fresh skincare. But nothing other than fresh skincare can build the same kind of cellular integrity for collagen banking. 💕
But the skincare marketing wizards are now telling us what has been known in Ayurveda for thousands of years. And this message is to feed your skin things that boost collagen, and do it before you have collagen loss. 💕
This is exactly correct, and the sooner you begin the less problems later.
The part they are leaving out, is that if your skincare choices are the equivalent of the Standard American Diet (called SAD), your cells can never be as resilient as cells with vital, nutrient rich living freshness.
So how do you begin banking collagen for future you to wake up and have great skin?
The main thing you want to look for is collagen stimulating ingredients like natural retinoids, peptides and specific antioxidants.
As to which kind of collagen booster is best for you, this will depend on your age, your environment, and your skins tendency to be dry, oily or combination.
We want to choose products that boost our collagen while soothing any imbalances.
Which is why you can always write me and I will be happy to make suggestions or do a custom sample pack of my Formula Flawless products.
Once we find a good match, you start putting collagen in the bank instead of withdrawing, and that's just cool. 😎
~ Guest blog by Rae Indigo,
Founder and CEO of Formula Flawless and Founder of the World Yoga Institute
Shopping for oranges photo courtesy of Jack Sparrow (pexels.com)
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